Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Milton Keynes Tree Cathedral

Thurs 4th October 2012 Warm, Sunny day

 We decided to dowse the tree cathedral in Milton Keynes, which we understood had an energy line running through it. It is based on Norwich Cathedral. We know that ordinary churches have west-east energy lines and we were intrigued to see if this applied to the tree cathedral.

 We had also read that four thorn saplings from the sacred site of Glastonbury were planted within the tree cathedral at the transept and, as we want to visit Glastonbury, we were excited to see them. 

 We started dowsing at the West entrance and, indeed, we did find the usual west-east energy line running along the nave, it was unusually strong. We were gratified to find that this energy was indeed the same sort of energy that is found in a real church or cathedral.

 We followed the line up to the transept but we never felt an increase in energy which we would have expected if we were coming near to the Glastonbury Thorns. Instead we found four conifers! We also picked up a north-south energy line, which we sometimes find in conventional churches.

However, as we proceeded up the nave/aisle (not arm in arm I hasten to add!) we asked our rods to point out anything of interest that we should examine. Half way up our rods pointed to the south (right of us) along a pathway to an arch through a hedge.

 Going through the archway we entered a square area surrounded by high hedging. We could immediately feel the energies - a feeling of peace and being at one with our surroundings, and despite the high hedge the area was filled with sunlight. The centre of the area had a paved square and at each corner we discovered the reason for the magical energies:- Saplings from the Glastonbury Thorn! Wow!

 Dowsing the paved area our rods took us round and around to the centre of the square, equidistance from each sapling. The energies were very strong and we both felt rather heady. We established by dowsing that this is a vortex point which is spiral of energies coming up from the earth.

We were in the Cloisters: a much more apt place for the saplings. Cloisters in a typical cathedral is an enclosed area on the south side and often contained a well and a herb or kitchen garden. We spent some time sitting in the sun, absorbing the energies, listening to the birds and admiring a buzzard wheeling above us. Although Portway is very close, the traffic noise was hardly noticeable.  What a tranquil, peaceful, beautiful spot.  

 We had to tear ourselves away and return to real world, but a mulled wine on the way home helped. A perfect end to a perfect morning!